
The Wisdom of Asia №24 [雑木林の四季]

Part Ⅱ:The Future of Taiwan,Japan and Asia

Chapter Four
The Wisdom of Asia Opens the Future

                                                                        元台湾総統  李登輝    

9.The Chinese Way is Just the Same as the Palace Politics for Many Years

    Communist China's strategy is ultimately related to the territorial expansion that has been carried out by the emperors of the succeeding generations of the past.Its tactics,however,empPhasize "the balance of power.”It conducted very large-scale military exercises over the Taiwan Strait in 1995 and 1996 prior to the presidential election,firing missiles into areas surrounding Taiwan.But it quickly withdrew its armed fbrces once two U.S.aircraft carriers appeared off the eastern shore of Taiwan.That is the method of the Chinese:bu11y the weak and respect the strong.It is very Chinese and can be said to be really identical with Mao Zedong's strategy.
     Many Japanese of different circles,with varied views,are encounterlng difnculties trying to deal with China.The Chinese,however,are very two-faced.After pJaying palace politics for thousands of years,the Chinese-the members of the upper echelon inparticular一excel in politics.They lie arld they also excel in the art of dodging dangers and quietly changmg sides.
      In contrast,we Taiwanese have had absolutely nothing to do with the imperial family or palace politics.They were either famers or laborers who moved to Taiwan from the continent with no knowledge of how cunning the Chinese are.The difficulty of Taiwan's policies is partly caused by the straightforwardness and political naivete of the Taiwacese people.They follow and side quickly with superiors even when they lie.They are total1y ignorant of the cunning of Chinese-type politics.The Taiwanese,simple and straight,are lost when confronted by ingenious politics.
     China has created its style over the course of more than twenty-five hundred years and is not easy for Japanese to comprehend.This is why when it comes to Japan's relations with China,it is extremely difficult for people of the Japanese character type to face China.
     That is why,seen from the perspective of Taiwan,future relations of the U.S.and communist China will probably become more complicated.It is therefore necessary for both Japan and Taiwan to have more education in a future,knowledge-moved strategy,what the title of this book calls "The Wisdom of Asia."

The Wisdom of Asia" Translated by Alexander K. Young                                             Akita International University Press


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