
The Wisdom of Asia №6 [雑木林の四季]

Part Ⅰ:How to Deal with China and America

Chapter One
Expanding Potentials in Asia by “Taiwan's Choice”

President of Akita International University   Nakajima Mineo

 4.Lee Teng-hui and the Asia Open Forum

   My first encounter with President Lee,as he stated in the preface,took place back on March 14,1985,when he was still Vice President. He had stopped over in Tokyo after a tour to visits to Latin American countries and invited me to meet with him at the Hotel Okura.I remember calling on him at the hotel at 9 o'clock in the evening and was delighted to see several of my books on the table,all with heavy underlining by the Vice President himself. He had paid special attention to my theory on China in the volume 『文明の再鋳造をめざす中国』(China that aims at Recasting Civilization,published by Chikuma Shobo,1984).We touched on Marx and Max Weber's view on China and continued our discussion late into the night.
    Vice President Lee said,“I have just come from meeting with Liberal Democratic Party politicians.It was rather boring.” That may have been caused by the inability of Japanese politicians to match Dr.Lee's intellect.
    At the time,though he was the incumbent Vice President,it was perfectly natural for him to make a short transit visit to Tokyo.Since then,however,Japan has created a climate which does not permit him to visit  Japan even in a private capacity.This is solely due to problems in Japan-China relations.Japan's twisted relation with China,in which Japan is constantly sensitive to political pressure from China,has cast a shadow on Japan's relations with Taiwan and greatly distorted the direction of Japan's entire East Asia diplomacy.One could turn the table and say that this was due to the tremendous increase in the importance of President Lee's and Taiwan's existence.
   0wing to the meeting with Dr.Lee,I have been invoIved as the Japanese representative to the Asia Open Forum(亜洲展望研討會),which has served as the organ of Japan-Taiwan intel1ectual exchange.The Asia Open Forum was set up by President Lee and a few of us who are united in the conviction that Japanese exchanges with Taiwan,which have been limited to a narrow channel of pro-Republic of China people in the past,need to be broadened and deepened.The Forum has reciprocity between Japan and Taiwan as its principle and has been managed with contributions  from private business,with Koo Chen-RI(辜振甫),Huang Shi-hui(黄世恵)and Koo Lien-sung(辜濂松)as the central figures on Taiwan's side and Kamei Masao(亀井正夫)and other business leaders on the Japanese side.Finances and meetings are all open to the public. According to my journal,it was in late July of 1988 that l received President Lee's request to think about an exchange Forum,and it was in June of 1989,immediately following China's Tienanmen lncident,that the first Asia Open Forum was held in Taipei.

"The Wisdom of Asia" Translated by Alexander K. Young                                 Akita International Univwrsity Press


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